Froggy Pond at 30th and Havana is a naturally-occuring wetland owned by the City of Spokane.  Lincoln Heights Community Development funds purchased a portion of the property.  The bulk of the property was purchased by the City’s Wastewater Management Dept in 2009.   It is being managed to contain stormwater runoff, while retaining the natural look of the wetland.

In 2011, the City started enlarging the wetland and expects to complete the process this Spring.  Wetland-compatible plants will be added to the site:dogwood, current, willow, alder, hawthorne, and many native grasses.  The work is being done under the supervision of a biologist. Follow this link to read about project details: froggy pond plants

Since acquiring the land, the Wastewater Dept has removed trash and installed Jersey barriers at roads that approach the pond.  This has reduced instances of illegal dumping and ATV activity that damaged the wetland. The City further plans to remove some derelict barbed wire fences and spray for noxious weeds.

Froggy Pond is public land, available for visits by the public.   Lots of birds are active in the area, and the occasional deer can be sighted.  Expect to get your shoes muddy, as you explore!!

Froggy Pond pictures taken New Years Day 2013
The new pond areas are now lined with native plantings. They look like twigs in winter, but check back in the spring!